domingo, 19 de diciembre de 2010


Hi, I just wanted to say that SUMMER NEEDS TO HURRY UP because I just can't wait.
I know it's still like 6 months away but...
Okay so this is more or less what it's gonna look like.
I guess I'll go to the scouts camp, but not the whole 15 days, maybe just a week. And after that, catch a plane and hit the states , but this summer, we might(it's not sure yet)go over to the west coast( so excited ). I guess we'll spend like a week or two there, and then we'll go to Philly and visit the fam:) I hope we go to Florida too, cause I've never been there...
Another thing is that my bff might come with us!! It's gonna be a total blast.
I got some gift cards for christmas and i can spend them over there ,cant wait to buy buy buy!

Another thing is that my bff might come with us!! It's gonna be a total blast.

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